
Red Carpet Interviews: Michelle Williams and Casey Affleck on Manchester By The Sea

Other | Friday 4th November 2016 | Francesco

We have already reviewed the incredible Lonergan movie Manchester by the Sea, but during the LFF we also had the chance to be on the red carpet. I asked Michelle Williams:

What was the biggest challenge about the role? Trying to live up to Kenneth's beautiful, masterful, perfect script. That's the biggest challenge.

How did you manage to play the particularly difficult and tragic fire scene? What did you think? How did you feel about it? Oh, the fire scene. I cried for days after that, it was hard to shake. My heart goes out to anybody who has ever had lost in that way. I can't imagine coming back from something like that, and it's one of the things that make me sure that so much of the script was about human bravery and how people survive after tragedies. 

I asked Casey Affleck a question about his previous roles in comparison with this one:

Which of your previous roles helped you the most in this new tragic role? Can you think of a moment in your career, or a part that you played that has inspired you while preparing to play Lee? There was one specific moment that helped me in playing Lee: when I was playing a role some years ago in a Kenneth play. Considering that his writing is so specific, there is a trick to help you with his scripts: learning the rhythm in his dialogue. Then you are able to completely understand his language.

What interested you the most about that character? I'm not sure, there wasn't just one thing. The character felt like a real person and it was impossible to try to flat it out into a sort of shallow idea.

Manchester by the Sea will be released on November, the 18th. The movie is a must-see.