Golden Globes properly hosted by the funniest women on TV
Tuesday 16th October 2012 | Laura
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler will host the awaited awards, LOL!
As a comedy fan and admirer, I’m really glad to have the chance to write today about two of my idols, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. That’s not bullshit, I have actually read Tina Fay’s autobiographical book Bossypants, and state that it’s the most hilarious book I’ve ever read -even though I read it in English, so only got half of the jokes due to my Spanish native condition. The thing I admire the most about Tina Fey is that, apart from making fun of others, she knows how to make fun of herself, which is a quality I try to apply to myself as well. If you are this kind of person who, for a common human behavior condition, needs to share emotions and thoughts (especially women and men with a wisely developed sensitive side), and really need to tell your miseries to someone just to feel released, at least, make the pathetic story funny, or next time you will find yourself talking to a cat, who actually is only standing there because it’s waiting to be fed.
As I was saying, Fey knows how to make fun of herself, you just need to watch 30 Rock, the successful NBC’s show, in which she is the scriptwriter and lead actress, where her main character Liz Lemmon is clearly Fey’s alter ego in her Saturday Night Live days. She knows how to portray the non-sense of working environments and human condition in every sketch, and all the characters are crazy but for some reason, believable, and that’s what makes it so funny. Many people can feel like they can identify with her "not taking much care of herself and feeling guilty, just sometimes", for example. But I have to admit that what I like the most is her imitation of Sarah Palin and the debates she used to have with Amy Poehler, who played Hillary Clinton in SNL. I like it so much that I would want Pallin to run for Vice-President again (and lose of course) just to see Fey making fun of it.
Fey and Poehler are real actresses; they belonged to a comedy amateur theater company and learnt together the hardest part of acting, the improvisation. So I really expect them to break the rules of this kind of boring choreographically formatted shows, not necessary showing a nipple- they have more class than that. They don’t need to call the attention, or wear a 1.000 dollar dress or tons of makeup to be admired. This time -thank God! - it’s not about plastic beauty or pre-baked jokes, it’s about talent and being authentic.
So maybe this year I will have lots of coffee and crisps and stay awake to watch the Golden Globes show live, because I’m sure it’s going to worth it!
By Laura Vila