The Wolf Of Wall Street- Second Trailer
Friday 1st November 2013 | Lauren
Oh it must be Oscar season! Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio are back together again for the sixth time for the fast paced and slick looking The Wolf of Wall Street. The film is based on the memoir of former stock broker Jordan Belfort who spent 22 months in prison for fraud and money laundering. DiCaprio plays Belfort, and judging from the trailer he looks like he had a brilliant time doing it. Give the man an Oscar for God sake. It looks set to be wickedly funny, dripping in money and yachts and the FBI, with a screenplay from Terence Winter, whose previous credits include Broadwalk Empire and The Sopranos, so after those average TV shows, maybe this will be the making of him...
Have a look at the trailer below, and let us know what you think. Just to give you a heads up it looks amazing, if you disagree then I don’t know what will make you happy.
The Wolf of Wall Street will be released on 25th December. Don’t spend this Christmas with your family, spend it with Martin and Leo.
Lauren Floodgate @laurenmary91