The London Film Festival opens with Andy Serkis's latest movie 'Breathe'
We had the chance to take part in the Press Conference for Breathe, the movie that opened this year’s LFF.
Director Andy Serkis, lead actor Andrew Garfield and lead actress Claire Foy along with Jonathan Cavendish, son of the protagonist and producer of the movie attended the meeting.
The press conference was the perfect occasion to discuss with the cast the social relevance of the story of Robin Cavendish. A British man who was struck down with Polio at age 28 and soon after became one of the longest living responauts in the UK.
Serkis explained that he grew up with his mother working in a school for disabled children and his father building a hospital in Baghdad. When he decided to direct Breathe he felt close to the social themes that he was going to portray. But he still felt a certain amount of trepidation with bringing this story to the big screen.
However, the cast loved this story. Claire Foy cried so much at the end of the story that she couldn’t read it twice. Andrew Garfield wanted to do justice to the lives of these extraordinary people. The actor has also expressed how he prepared for the role, he faced this challenge focusing on the rhythm of his breathing and working on his facial expressions.
Breathe tells the story of a marriage, rather than the story of illness. All these characters keep their peculiar British sense of humour. Serkis also praised the outstanding work of Terry White who plays two twins in the film.
The conference ended on a social note, both Serkis and Cavendish raised awareness on polio and especially on the condition of people with disabilities, with all the discrimination they have to face in their ordinary life.
Have a look at the trailer below: