Arrival: London Film Festival Press Conference
Guestlist was part of the press conference of Arrival that took place at the Corinthia Hotel in London. Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner discussed why they took part in the movie, what they loved about its characters and many more interesting aspects of this upcoming sci-fi movie directed by Denis Villeneuve.
Amy Adams revealed that she decided to play this role after reading its gripping script. She was really impressed by the strange story, which explores the life of a fascinating antrophologist. At first the actress thought that Louise was a translator and she was delighted by the actual role as a linguistic experts in sociology, languages and cultures. Amy has always been fascinated by other cultures, and the movie was the perfect occasion to get inside this interesting, complex world.
Jeremy Renner decided to play the role of Ian, because it was a really different and unique character. Both of them were delighted by the film's approach towards these characters: they are far from the usual stereotypes. Louise is not the woman typically presented in Hollywood: she doesn't care about vanity or fashion, she is just a smart scientist with a complex story and this is refreshing.
Amy knew what Denise had in mind: without giving out spoilers on the ending, there is a big gamechanging reveal. The actress stated that Denise helped her to understand better the inner turmoil and the complex choices of her character. The conference ended with the Arrival's cast explaining that a political message is implied but not explicit: people are free to draw their consideration.
Arrival is a must-see movie. Have a look at the latest trailer: