The Wolverine release date is looming
Friday 19th July 2013 | Marianna
We all remember the last X-men series – The Last Stand - that took the world by storm in 2006? Well say hello to the same blade handed superhero, Logan/Hugh Jackman, because on the 25th of July, The Wolverine will hit the cinemas here in the UK.
It has been a long wait since we saw a new X-men movie, so let’s hope that this 7-year wait will be worth it. Here’s a brief summary on what Logan’s adventure will consist of;
Logan makes a trip to Japan and meets his old acquaintance who is on a downward spiral to death. He is ill, and unstable, and is struggling immensely for his life. One thing leads to another and Wolverine finds himself in a deadly situation where he must battle experienced samurais without his immortality. With the danger of dying any moment, Wolverine can live or die, and all we can do, as the audience, is hope for the best and wait.
Hugh Jackman gives his opinion on what Logan will face in this upcoming movie:
"There are so many areas of that Japanese story, I love the idea of this kind of anarchic character, the outsider, being in this world - I can see it aesthetically, too - full of honour and tradition and customs and someone who’s really anti-all of that, and trying to negotiate his way. The idea of the samurai, too - and the tradition there. It’s really great. In the comic book he gets his ass kicked by a couple of samurai - not even mutants. He’s shocked by that at first."
The main factor that will differentiate this movie from the others is that The Wolverine will be more realistic, with samurai, ninja, katana blades, and various forms of martial arts all combined in one.
Book now if you want to see the movie on its release date!
Marianna M.