Coming Soon - March
Hail, Caesar! (The Coen Brothers) - 4th March
Eddie Mannix (Josh Brolin) is a Hollywood fixer for Capital Pictures back in the 1950’s who is charged with looking after big names in the industry. However, when Baird Whitlock (George Clooney), the star of the latest production, ‘Hail, Caesar’, mysteriously disappears, Mannix has more than just looking after to do.
Goodnight Mommy (Severin Fiala and Veronika Franz) - 4th March
9-year-old Twins Lukas and Elias await their mother’s return from having reconstructive facial surgery after moving into a new house. After sensing some odd vibes from the woman who returns claiming that she is their mother beneath the bandages, the boys become uneasy, subsequently unfolding a struggle for identity and trust.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Zack Snyder) - 25th March
Everybody’s two favourite superheroes are pitted against each other in Zack Snyder’s latest project. Ben Affleck is the first man to appear as Batman since Christian Bale took the mantle back in 2005, and Englishman, Henry Cavill brings The Man of Steel to the big screen once again. This will be a true clash of the titans.