
Django Unchained. The Verdict.

Other | Thursday 31st January 2013 | Harry


If you’re anything like me then you’ve been waiting for Quentin Tarantino’s latest effort Django Unchained for a very, very long time. It started with the topic; Tarantino was going to take on the Western, of course in his own inimitable style. That got us all wondering what the hell was going to come from this, especially after his portrayal of the second world war in Inglorious Basterds. Then those casting rumours started to emerge; names joined the cast and names left. At first the buzz was that Will Smith was going to be the main man (which I must admit did kill my buzz a little) but then the powers that be intervened and Jamie Foxx was cast and all was well in the world once more. Sacha Baron Cohen was involved at one point then he too dropped out (again, probably a good thing). Then once the magnificently cool and terrifying Christoph Waltz, who Tarantino plucked out of nowhere and made into a star after his wonderful Oscar winning performance in Inglorious Basterds was recruited again, and the game changer, Leonardo DiCaprio joined.  Now the crew was complete all that was left to do was wait. And wait we did until finally the trailers emerged and we finally had some form of footage to see. It looked like, well it looked exactly like you’d think someone as crazy as Tarantino would make a western look like and just got us that much more excited. But I am missing the point, now to the actual film itself...

To start with, it is not your simple spaghetti western, as this film is much more southern influenced and set down in America’s bowels. Undoubtedly you will be aware of the controversy the film has caused since its first showing and I must admit the heavy use of the n word is hard to hear, but dare I say it necessary. Would you expect anything less from a perfectionist such as Tarantino? I’d hope not. For the film to retain credibility he has not held back in that front.

Every performance in this film is exceptional and rightly so Christoph Waltz has already won a Golden Globe for supporting role. Leonardo DiCaprio gives an incredible performance as the morally disgraceful plantation owner Calvin Candie and Jamie Foxx carries the role of Django perfectly. A special mention must go to Samuel L Jackson who gives his best performance in years as the repugnant head of slaves for DiCaprio. On the note of awards, Tarantino also won the award for best screenplay at the Golden Globes and there is no worthier winner, the screenplay is superb. In Django Unchained you really do see the best of Quentin.

So the film opens with the unbelievably cool and nonchalant Christoph Waltz freeing Django. They embark on a little bounty hunting adventure and it turns out old Django is a natural. From there they set out to attempt to free Django’s slave wife. Story wise I am not giving anymore away, it is up to you to sit down and enjoy the ride the film takes you on. Because this film is one hell of a ride. Even with the mammoth running time I was gripped from start to finish. The film may be heavy in its subject matter, and like I said, hard to watch, but Tarantino has the ability to lighten any section with smart humour. There is an absoloutely hilarious scene involving the Ku Klux Klan which is unforgettable and will surely go down as the funniest Ku Klux Klan scenes ever made (and yes I know how that sentence sounds; wrong. But trust me...).

Though the film may be long, no dialogue is excess to necessity. Tarantino is the master of dialogue and his ability to create tension through his words is second to none (remember the opening of Inglorious Basterds?). There is a scene towards the end where you will be falling off your seat and screaming at the screen. Interestingly enough I haven’t even mentioned violence and we are talking about a Tarantino film, well don’t worry. It’s there and there is PLENTY of it and it is as Tarantino-esque as ever. Never one to shy away from blood and gore, prepare to be shocked in parts but at the same time enthralled.

The Verdict: As Oliver Twist said, ‘Please Sir, I want some more.’
