
Famous Film Moments Recreated In Lego

Monday 27th February 2012 | Osh


A 17 Year old A-Level student, Harry Bossert from Surrey, has recreated popular famous movie moments with just lego.

Harry used the minifigures and colourful bricks to capture perfectly the scenes from ten legendary films including Titanic, Singing In The Rain and ET.

Mr Bossert has had this interesting hobby since 2007, though this is his most ambitious work yet!

His ‘brickfilms’ are popular online and his version of Parry Gripp’s Megaphone was displayed at the Santa Barbara Film Festival last year in California.

Check out the spoof video, which amalgamates the scenes of a film, cutting from one to another neatly using cleverly engineered transitions.

We think even Mr Spielberg would be impressed with this!  With his creative skills and patience the teenager is sure to have a bright future ahead of him.