The 7 Sassiest Ladies on Screen
Other | Wednesday 12th March 2014 | Sukaina
Sarcasm, irony and sass is what these stars do best…
The urban dictionary defines ‘sassy’ as “possessing the attitude of someone endowed with an ungodly amount of cool”. Just in case this definition wasn’t clear enough, we’ve rounded up seven actresses who epitomise this ideal perfectly.
1. Dakota Fanning
"think I was a Japanese schoolgirl in another life. That's how much I love Hello Kitty."
Don’t let her youthful looks fool you into thinking that this actress isn’t up to challenging roles. Her infuriatingly cold character in ‘Now is Good’ is the perfect set up for some much needed moments of sarcasm in a film about the deterioration of a leukemia sufferer. She also stars alongside Kristen Steward in ‘The Runaways’ about a girl band in the 1970s; the perfect setting for a role sassy enough to be played by Fanning.
2. Jennifer Lawrence
“I’m a horrible dancer! I’m like a dad at prom. I look like Gumby getting electrocuted.”
Most well-known for her role as Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games, the 23 year old actress has been on and off our screens quite a few more times than she’s fallen over at an awards show, which is an admirable amount. With the release of Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle we have definitely seen more than a little of Lawrence’s lively side. Even her role in the Hunger Games requires a certain amount of steel which comes with flair for clean cut insults. Yet, the sassiness of Jennifer Lawrence does not just lie in the sassy characters that she plays, I mean, you have got to give the girl who trips up at the Oscars twice and still manages to seem cool, some credit.
This Video simply says it all:
3. Emily Blunt
"'im kind of effectively bipolar."
This British born actress should be awarded the Queen of sarcasm. If you don’t believe me then just watch The Devil Wears Prada. If you’re still not convinced then try The Salmon Fishing in Yemen, The Great Gatsby or even The Muppets. The list of films that prove the skill of this ladie's poker face while making a sarcastic comment is endless. This is sassiness at its most skilfully subtle; her expression shouts that she seriously does not care about your issues.
4. Johanna Lumley
"At boarding school I even kept mice in my underclothes drawer. It made me smell most attractive, as you can imagine."
If anyone deserves to be on this list, it's Mrs. Lumley; serving the role of sassy sarcasm for over 50 years. If her role in The Wolf of Wall street isn’t enough to go by then take a look at her hilarious part in the BBC TV series; Absolutely Fabulous.
5. Kristen Stewart
"I wore a T-shirt in kindergarten that said, 'Kick butt first. Ask names later.' I've always been overly indignant in my reactions to not being able to be myself."
Kristen Stewart is seriously misunderstood. If the memes on twitter mocking her apparent lack of emotion are anything to go by then she does not fare well with the public of social media. Although those are funny, they are completely unfounded because even though Kristen is not at her best in Twilight you only need to watch another of her films to realise her potential. Films like The Runaways, On the Road and Adventureland show a whole other side to Kristen, where she plays cool, reckless characters rather than the dull role of Bella in Twilight. Her brave portrayal of these rebellious characters is what puts her on the list.
6. Chloë Grace Moretz
" love getting told no 'cause then I fight even more."
At only 16 this actress has already had her seat reserved in more award events than you could count on your fingers. One critic said of her role in Kick Ass “say what you will about her character, but Chloë Grace Moretz has presence and appeal." This Sassy, confident girl has certainly made her mark in the film industry and we should expect great things of her in her next film If I Stay.
7. Saoirse Ronan
"if you don't have eyebrows, you don't really have a face."
Ronan made her first big appearance in 2007 when she starred in Atonement, a film that revealed the potential in her as a determined, strong character. A role reinforced by her nominations for the Golden Globe Award and the BAFTAs. Since then, she has played similarly powerful character in the films Hanna, The Host and How I Live Now. Her confidence and blunt personality award her with a place on the Sassy list. Although this quote from an interview also helped too; “'Seer-sha' is how Irish people pronounce my first name, but I would pronounce it 'Sir-sha,' like 'inertia'. It's Irish for 'freedom.' I recently found out that my middle name, Una, means 'unity' in Ireland. And I think my last name means 'seal.' So I’m a free, unified seal."
Sukaina Kadhum