Four Actresses That Are Much More Than Sexy
Although the media might claim otherwise, there still aren't enough female heroines in mainstream movies.Women are usually presented as girlfriends, daughters or sisters but rarely do they have a working storyline of their own.
But there's been an effort to change it. This year we can look forward to several new fantasy/sci-fi movies which will feature women and girls fighting for what they want, finding their way of life… or simply just being awesome!
Beauty and the Beast
Modern versions of classical fairy tales are loved by all. Beauty and the Beast features the lovely Emma Watson, and it's the type of movie which can be watched both by adults and their children… and they will all be satisfied. Especially if Emma's courageous Belle proves to be more than just a pretty face.
Ghost in the Shell
Scarlett Johansson is a badass. Although not physically very tall, she had repeatedly shown in several movies that she can kick ass! You probably already love her clever and beautiful Black Widow in Avengers, and in a couple of weeks you will also get a chance to admire her as Major in Ghost in the Shell, a movie based on a famous Japanese manga.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
French director Luc Besson is known for shooting stories with strong heroines – remember Leon, Joan of Arc or Lucy? His newest picture will feature another powerful lady – young Laureline (Cara Delevingne) who sets out on a journey investigating the space city of Alpha alongside her partner.
Wonder Woman
Beautiful, intelligent and a warrior – Wonder Woman is all that! And she doesn't allow anybody to put her in a corner, be it a friend or a foe. Gal Gadot has previously portrayed the female superhero in Batman vs Superman and now she will shine in her own movie. But I only wish her costume could be a bit less revealing… but hey, as long as she can fight in it, why not, right?
So let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that this trend will continue for many years to come. I would definitely more than welcome it… wouldn't you?