New short film 'Diverted' highlights the struggles autistic people face on public transport
The National Autistic Society (NAS) have released a new short film on their YouTube channel which highlights the issues autistic people can face when they use public transport.
The short, which is called Diverted, stars an autistic actress named Saskia Lupin, who shows viewers how aspects of a busy train journey, including bright lights and loud, distracting noises, can be overwhelming to the senses of autistic people and can cause them to feel anxiety. She ends the video by saying “I'm autistic and the fear of unexpected changes can make leaving the house impossible.”
The film was directed by Charlotte Regan, and created as part of the Too Much Information campaign and to commemorate this year's World Autism Awareness Week, which lasts from 26 March to 2 April. If you have autism or have autistic friends or family members, Lupin’s experience in the film will probably seem familiar, and if you have not had much experience with autism, it is especially important for you to watch Diverted, as it will give you an idea of how navigating an everyday environment can end up being an ordeal for the autistic.