What To Watch This Week - 15th February 2016
Guestlist's guide to what's on in cinemas this week! An honest look at the war in Iraq is in store in Only the Dead, a young German lawyer tries to dig-up the horrendous past being covered up by German officials in Labyrinth of Lies and Mavis Staples continues to spread her positivity in Mavis!
15th February -
Only the Dead (Bill Guttentag & Michael Ware) Documentary | Biography | History
An incredible documentary about Australian war correspondent Michael Ware, who, after being given a shocking tape by the emerging terror group, ISIS, becomes their primary source of outletting their news. What was supposed to a documentation of life in the Iraq war became a very real and immediate threat for Ware; this documentary promises to be one of the most thought-provoking films in recent history.
18th February -
Labyrinth of Lies (Giulio Ricciarelli) Drama | History
Fifteen years after World War II, Germany has settled down into a very normal way of life. However, one lawyer, Johann Radmann, asks a very sensitive question… where have all the Nazis gone? Unknowingly dawning a new era for Germany, Radmann does not stop in his journey to have all of the ex-Nazi soldiers tried and prosecuted for their past atrocities. The first time a nation had publicly shamed their own soldiers.
19th February -
Bone Tomahawk (S. Craig Zahler) Adventure | Drama | Horror
A group of cannibalistic cave-dwellers kidnap hostages from a settlement in the Wild West; Sheriff Hunt and a small band of brave men head out to find them. What awaits for the man is sheer horror. A seemingly perfect blend of a classic Western revenge story and some pretty surreal horror promises to please fans of violence and death in films!
Mavis! (Jessica Edwards) Documentary | Biography | Music
This documentary focuses around legendary soul/gospel singer and key component of the Civil Rights Movement, Mavis Staples and her family group The Staples Singers. After sixty years of performing live and helping to change the world for the better, her message of equality and love between the citizens of the Earth is as relevant as it has ever been!
Triple 9 (John Hillcoat) Crime | Thriller
In order to pull off one of the biggest heists ever seen in town, a gang of criminals and bent cops plan the murder of a police officer after being blackmailed by the Russian mob. With an all-star cast including Kate Winslet, Norman Reedus, Aaron Paul, Woody Harrelson and Chiwetel Ejiofor, this promises to be the action event of the festival season.