10 Films to Watch This Summer
Wednesday 19th June 2013 | Gabriel
You may disagree bu these are some of my favourite films I've ever seen.
Shawshank Redemption- My favourite of all time. The story focuses on two imprisoned men who form a close bond which pulls them through and brings out the best in each other. Stars Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. Incredibly well-made and a MUST see!
Howl's Moving Castle- Everyone seems to favour Spirited Away out of Studio Ghibli's productions but honestly I prefer Howls Moving Castle. I find the plot of Howl's Moving Castle more interesting, I'm not bashing Spirited Away it's a stunning film. The plot is about a young women who has her youth stolen from her and goes on a journey to get it back.
Forrest Gump- Tom Hanks stars as Forrest Gump in what is possibly one of the funniest films I've ever seen about the life of Gump as he has hilariously unwittingly found himself in plenty of historical moments.
Rear Window- A Hitchcock classic about a man who is in a wheel-chair due to an accident and ends up spying on his neighbours leading to him witnessing what he thinks is a murder. All shot in one room and the simplicity just adds to how great it is.
Hancock- This was my favourite film for at least a year, many people may disagree, but I think it's a great film. Starring Will Smith the plot is about a troubled superhero in modern society presenting what could possibly be true in the not perfect real world if someone had super powers. The scene in the hospital is one of my favourite scenes of all time with the setting and the atmosphere created being just perfect!
The Amazing Spiderman- My most recent film on the list being released just last year. About Spiderman as a troubled teen who's had a traumatoc childhood and the trauma continues throughout the film. Andrew Garfield is stunning in this incredible film. I think this blows all the other spidermans out of the water in its quality.
The Damned United- Adapted from the much more damaging book this film documents Brian Clough's turbulent 42 days in charge of Leeds United while going through his success at Derby aswell. In my opinion I think that this is one of the best made films ever and it doesn't matter whether your a football fan or not it will very much entertain you through Clough's comical choice of management brilliantly played by Michael Sheen.
Up- This is my favourite ever animation with it's emotional first few minutes really connectng to me like no other animation has ever done. From then on the hilarity starts but the emotion continues. The story focuses on how an elderly man embarks on a journey that he always wanted to do throughout his life and I think it really helps young people understand what the elderly may have gone through which sends a important message while also making you cry at the same time, which is always good.
500 Days of Summer- Many people will think this an odd pick even before watching it and I think that this is possibly one of the most underrated films. Zoey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt star as a couple who go though the torment of a relationship that fails to blossom and just falls straight onto its back leaving one of them distraught and the film gives off the true message that if it didn't work it was never meant to work.
The Dark Knight- I don't know anyone who hasnt seen the Dark Knight but I couldn't leave it out of my list as it is one of the best made films of all time. The story focuses on Batman and his ongoing battles with The Joker with stunning special effects. But the stand-out performer for mehas to be Heath Ledger as The Joker with his creepily amazing way of turning The Joker into even more of a complete physco and he truly is a grave loss.
Gabriel Stewart