7 ways to stay motivated when you feel like giving up
Getting motivated can be a tricky task when the outside world seems so doom and gloom. But never fear, I was solely put on this earth to provide the best advice possible. So let's begin!
Hold back
When starting a new project or business plan everyone seems to want to jump in head first. But hold on eager beaver don't forget your arm bands. People think they can do everything and anything but learn your limitations first. Hold back, reel in the raft and take things a step at a time. Only allow yourself to do 50-75 percent of what you wanna do. After the water settles plan a course of action. With starting up a new business always write up a step by step guide on things to aim for and as time goes by tick of what has been achieved.
Stop overthinking things
Over thinking can be positive and negative at times. But when it comes down to getting started on that new diet you've been wanting to get your teeth into or exercise routine, it can turn into a real downer. Instead of tossing and turning, JUST DO IT! (Not to quote Shia LaBeouf) or Nike for that matter…
But really and truly it's the best method to weaning yourself into a motivated mind set. Getting started can be overwhelming but don't worry there will be plenty of time for analytical criticism afterward.
Stay accountable
Tell the people you trust about your money saving scheme you want to get started with, this means you are publicly committing to whatever it is you are looking to do, no backsies now. Report back to those loved ones or an alternative could be a daily blog on your ongoing events, whatever it stick to it!
That accountability will help with keeping you focused and motivated. With a few pounds richer if it all goes to plan!
Research or read on what it is you want to do, it can be a good way of regaining motivation and confidence, you never know whilst internet surfing you may come across YouTube videos or funny alternatives. Not assuming that you're easily distracted, it's more a personal reflection on what I do whilst suffering the deep web #DontJudge. But can really help with finding out on other peoples first-hand experiences on quitting smoking or cutting down on Mojitos whatever it is the internet can be a really helpful tool to finding what you need.
Never lose enthusiasm get hyped whatever way possible whether it's imagining your ideal body or reaching your zen. Just visualize the end goal, refocus and get re-energized. And not to worry everyone has their low points, just as long as you get back on that hypothetical horse you’ll be good to go.
Chart your progress
This process can be as simple as a cross on your cat calendar or if you're the techy type spreadsheets may be the way to go. Whichever route you take, documenting your progress it's necessary to looking back and identifying errors. I mean when has a load of X's meant anything bad if ya catch my drift.....no, ah well let me stop with the dirty banter and move onto the last step.
Reward yourself!
For every step you take just remember that you're one of kind and celebrating your success is necessary. I mean come on what's life without indulgence right?
Now don't over do it, rewards are all good but going overboard can lead to a stand still in all the hard work you've put in. So keep an eye on the wallet if budgeting is what you're trying to achieve, or if you're looking to lose a few pounds then pigging out may not be the best way to go.