The time Guestlist met Reverie.
RnB/Hip Hop | Friday 15th November 2013 | Alex
“I Rap Dopely”, these are the first three words that you see when you read Reverie’s About Me section on Facebook. Some might say that this type of praise isn’t something that a person should claim about themselves, a judgement that must be passed by others, Guestlist disagrees. Making music with her producer brother, Louden, Reverie has steadily been increasing her stock as she aims for complete global domination. Here’s what both her and Louden had to say when they stopped by Guestlist HQ this month:
Reverie and Louden
Osh: One of the things you said is you like music with a message, not just spitting for the sake of spitting, so what are some of the messages you’d like to get across with your music?
Rev: Shit everything that I rap about just like that! The main thing that I want to say through my music is life is hard and that people need to know that and I really try to tell the youth and people in high school and shit that life is really hard because when I was in high school I thought like ahhh my life is so bad and you know fuck my life and nobody has it as hard as me but I think that’s just what you go through as a teenager, but then as an adult you see that everybody has a hard life and it’s so beautiful but there’s so many struggles and ups and downs that you’re going to have to go through and get through to make it. Life is not a perfect fairy-tale picture like they paint on the Disney channel you know what I mean it’s just not like that and that’s something I really want to get across to young people and just people of all ages that life is hard but you just have to keep pushing. Nobody has a perfect life and if they act like they do they are just good at hiding their problems so just that to just keep pushing and that life is beautiful ”
Osh: Ok so you guys are like half Mexican right a half from Ecuador is that correct have you been to either Mexico or Ecuador?
Rev: “well we went when we were little once like to like TJ and like all the border tourist towns or whatever and that was cool but then I returned to Mexico like a couple months ago I did a show out there in Mexico city, Dias the capital and it was cool it was crazy haha Mexico is really cool, life is so fast and it was like inspirational, everyone was on their grind, trying to make money trying to feed their kids you know it’s cool I was a really cool experience I had so much fun I think I’m going to go back and do another show”
Osh: nice, and I heard one of the things you want to do is help the kids you know help the youth what kids will you help first is this back home is, is this in Mexico?
Rev: “Shit, I have no preference just kid’s period people period I don’t want to choose one part over the other because everyone is equally as important to me it’s not about the location. All of the youth is misled and confused and I think they all need help”
Osh: nice, ok so maybe the UK could look out for some of your help
Rev: yeah, yeah hell yeah
Osh: nice, have you got any aspiration in this music game?
Rev: yeah just everything, like everything that we’ve been gaining out of our music is just so inspiring. The more feedback we get I would say the more motivation we get to keep expanding Bad or good. Even when people are still talking shit they're reacting to the music and it’s like yeah we’re doing something right and there a lot of people like talking about it so you know yeah it’s cool
Osh: Nice because I mean you get a lot of love out there from all over the world. That must feel good right?
Rev: yeah! Shout outs to all my fans, shit you guys are my fan base is so crazy I have like hard-core fans like I know everybody has fans and shit but my fans are fans are like crazy, crazy the best, the best they’re the best I love my fans like if I pull someone online and somebody likes starts talking shit all my fans will come in like comment to them like fuck you! qwsdbjsjsfdf just like they always have my back and like it’s cool I really appreciate it I really appreciate all the support from people like it’s really cool its very motivational and inspirational
Osh: Ok, and anything in particular you don’t like about the music industry because I hear you venting sometimes
Rev: oh yeah! The list, oh yeah the is never ending
Osh: ok so tell me you have a clothing line too is that right
Rev: yes, I have my own clothing line I call it reverie where I spell where like the wrong way like W-H-E-R-E instead of W-E-A-R and some people are like you’re spelling it wrong and I’m like I know I spelling it wrong, I know how to spell hahaha
Osh: so can we buy that stuff, can they buy that stuff?
Rev: yes, you can get it at www.reverielove.com and I ship all over the world any country mmm doesn’t matter which one, your country’s on there
Osh: ok so you make clothes, you rap, you write poetry, you paint, if you could do one thing to express yourself that wasn’t one of those and you could express yourself in any way what would it be?
Rev: hmm
L: that’s a tough question
Rev: I don’t really know because I haven’t really tried anything else I’ve never I guess I’ve never really thought about doing anything else I don’t know actually you know what I would do is like make sculptures but I’ve never done it and I don’t know anything about doing it but I think if I could explore another art form I would love to learn how to make sculptures I think it’s just so like it seems so hard but I think it would be really cool I’m really in to that
Osh: you need to express all that love stuff you can’t get out in your raps that you’re trying to get out in you RnB music
Rev: I know hahaha
Osh: ok how about you?
L: ah mm shit something not to do with art probably like a I’ve been wanting to learn how to ride a motorcycle lately
Osh: you have to be up to some tricks to express yourself with that
L: yeah, it takes a lot of work to like ride and like it’s like all the safety about it you can ride hella fast
Osh: You’ve been in the rap game for a little while and you’re a women how has that affected your career how do you feel it’s been different for you than it would be for a guy
Rev: I think it’s hard, it’s really hard I think it’s harder being a female MC than it is to be a male MC coming up in the game just because number one it’s a male dominated field so you have to be a really strong women to feel comfortable in it, we also face like a lot of double standards like if I say oh I’m pimping 3 guys they are going to call me a slut but if a male MC says he’s fucking 3 girls at the same time then he’s like ménage a trios or whatever the fuck like it’s cool you know what I mean so there’s a lot of double standards. It’s hard because a lot of guys in the field they don’t take you serious so they’ll be like lets work on some music but they just trying to fuck and then you’re like I’m not like that. I mean and a lot of girls fucked it up for the rest of us by sleeping with producers and rappers to get them places also a lot of female MC’s are really like catty and competitive and not too many are really willing to work together and like come up together and we can just do so much more as a community than just one individual you know but there’s also a positive side to it like such as there not really as many female MC’s so it’s kind of easier to come up
Osh: Which female MC’s most inspired you?
Rev: II would say the people that the people I would give credit to that definitely did have a big influence on me are Missy Elliot, I really like Remy Ma, and I really like TLC. I really liked them I didn’t really listen to many other female rappers I like Jean Grey too she’s cool but I don’t really listen to very many female MC’s but those women did have an impact on my music.
Osh: so you’ve been doing this for a while right mm how would you say your music now has changed from how it was? Has it developed?
Rev: it’s changed completely I hate all my old music
L: I like it, I like a lot of old stuff but she hates it
Rev: I hate all of it but I think my flow sucked so bad back then and I didn’t even know how to count bars when I first started so some of my verses are just one long verse. The only thing that I liked and that I was good at was my beats selection I love the beat selection and even before he (Louden) was making my beats.
Osh: Do you have input on making the beats or does he just come up with the gems?
Rev: He’s just a beast, he’s like help me I’m like no you do that shit I don’t know what sounds good I don’t know how to make a beat I know when I like how it sounds but I don’t know how to make it he’s (Louden) the master
L: Yeah I just pump them out and then she’s like ok yeah this one this one this one and all the other ones ill just sell them or give them away or something
Osh: so you guys must be big in your ends out there right in your local area you must have your block on lock, your international now so you must be inspirational
Rev: Yeah its cool it’s so cool because in my neighbourhood nobody has really like come up a lot like how we have I guess and it’s cool because I see all my friends that I went to high school with and shit and they are all like “I’m so happy for you and keep it up, your inspiring the whole neighbourhood” and like it’s so dope to know that we’re inspiring everyone. I’m so glad that my neighbourhood has my back, all of highland park and north east LA are like so supportive.