She's cool, she's catchy and she does county music with an awesome pop twist!
Monday 15th October 2018 | Grace
Having been in London for over 8 years now, Norwegian born Liv Austen has well and truly settled into the British music scene, and her new album A Moment of Your Time is quickly becoming very much talked about on the country-pop music scene.
Liv Austen’s music however, is not the typical sound you would expect from somebody who spent their childhood years living as a proper country bumpkin growing up in Norway’s rich country side, as she mixes traditional country music melodies and themes with up beat pop and heavier guitar riffs. Not forgetting, of course, her strong and unusual voice which makes the music what it is, especially on more poppy and extremely catchy tracks like Window Shopping.
As well as releasing her album on 19th October, which can be bought on her website, Liv will also be doing tours around the UK at the end of the month where tickets can be bought here.