Watch Jimothy Lacoste on his best form in new single
RnB/Hip Hop | Monday 26th March 2018 | Jake
Jimothy Lacoste, born Timothy Gonzales, is about to blow, unconfined by a specific genre (is he a rapper, or a pop artist?), Jimothy makes music that can only be pinned down as smile-inducing.
The rapper burst onto the scene last year with ‘Getting busy!’, and has been steadily dropping infectious bangers ever since. His latest one, ‘Subway System’, a tribute to underground transport, is a perfect exhibition of his many talents.
As with every Jimothy track an upbeat, 80's inspired instrumental (produced by Jimothy himself) lifts his signature flat, almost emotionless intonation, whilst we are presented with his best dance moves and quirky interactions with the general public (the video is co-directed by Jimothy). At one point he bemoans the social anxiety of tube passengers “it’s a London thing, why? When I go abroad everyone says hi”, as he milly rocks in a carriage.
It’s Jimothy’s signature bravado in purest form - a deceptively uncomfortable looking character completely at ease with the music he’s making, ‘Subway System’ showcases everything that puts Jimothy on another level, in a different league and out of this world.