Remembering The Legends: Joni Mitchell
Since Bob Dylan recently was awarded a Nobel Prize this year, there has been a light shining on the great lyricists of the past generations.
The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Whitney amongst many others are remebered and thanked for their contriubtions to music. However what seems to happen in this industry is a nostalgic remeberance to the deceased artists and not much attention to the living.
So aside from the deceased, greats are still living among us. Joni Mithcell is one of them. Most popular in between the 70's and 90's, Joni has remarkably released 17 albums in her musical career, all with the same decedance and powerful lyrics that push through the barriers of time into timelessness. Blue is more predominanlty regarded as her most famous album, and for good reason:
"You're in my blood like holy wine,
You taste so bitter and so sweet,
I could drink a case of you, darling,
And still I would be on my feet" - A Case of You
Her lyrics resonate with anyone who has ever been in love, out of love, jealous, angry at politics or global warming, or just a human being. If you have listened to Joni and not been moved, it's time to see a doctor! Songs like Big Yellow Taxi and Sex Kills carry the global warming theme which prove that she wasn't in the industry for the money, but to send a message to the world. As well as this, Joni creates wonderous imagery and poetic beauty; the true soundtrack to life.
Despite putting her guitar down after the release of her 17th album, Joni Mithcell still today stands as a monumental musician who has touched the emotional hearts of so many and given a gift to so many others. She has focused on her artwork more the past few years (which provided many album covers for her) but that doesn't mean we should stop listening to the utter beauty that is Roberta Joan Mitchell.