November's Bringing the Season of the Vegan
2016 is the year of the vegan. The rise in veganism throughout Western society has seen over 400,000 people in the UK adopting an animal-free and plant based diet, an increase of 350% since 2006.
With more and more people in the media speaking out against eating meat and dairy, like Ellen Page, Stevie Wonder and Jessica Chastain, cooking and shopping with more a vegan mindset is where it's at.
Slowly but surely more vegan restaurants and cafes are making appearances around the country, like, one of our favourites, Just FaB, an animal-free vegan street food and takeaway service that offers tasty vegan food with an authentic Italian twist.
So what is it about veganism that is making it so popular?
Follow JustFab on Twitter, find them on Facebook and eat their delicious food!