Jim: The James Foley Story - The Man Behind the Tape
Jim: The James Foley Story follows the events and family recollection of the events leading up to James Foley’s execution in 2014.
Showing in depth footage of Foley and other journalists that put their lives on the line in order to live amongst the civilians during the protests in Libya and war torn Syria whilst reporting on the human right violations and crises, Jim: The James Foley Story gives a look into the person behind the execution video.
The documentary looks at both issues in the East and how the people living in those areas are affected as well as the obstacles faced by the family in the West, relying on the FBI to help the situation, only to be left with no definitive information or confirmation of the journalist’s safety or rescue.
One of the most striking moments in the documentary is the when the inmates, or “invented family” that Foley was imprisoned with give their accounts of the situation.
These truly show off the depths, limits and fundamentals of human ingenuity and spirit in times of need and how these can provide a way of surviving in dire situations. All in all, Jim: The James Foley Story is eye opening and thought provoking in regards to both sides of the world.