Adam Green and Binki Shapiro, perfect match!
Indie | Thursday 7th February 2013 | Laura
Now that St. Valentine’s day is coming, I’m starting to feel in the mood for melancholic love songs. Wandering around through Spotify, I discovered this duo, who already released an album last month, and who appear to be the perfect soundtrack for a lonely heart. They were already quite popular by themselves though. Adam Green, for being part of The Moldy Peaches and Binki Shapiro for being the voice of Little Joy. But those two melancholic and creative souls got together -artistically speaking- after their respective broke-ups to create this little gem called Adam Green & Binki Shapiro full of chill, deep songs. His folky voice matches perfectly with Shapiro’s silky softness, and from their collaboration, something pretty special and authentic has born, that shows this couple are pretty compatible and I hope that we are talking about a long term relationship and not just a one album stand!
By Laura Vila