
Be Nicer At Work: It's Free!

Other | Thursday 7th April 2016 | Ollie

Being thoughtful can take you a long way – we take a look at etiquette in the professional world

It's all too easy easy to forget just how important it is to exercise etiquette and thoughtful behaviour. In a society where we're always rushing, stressing and depressing, it's important to stop and be a little kinder, a bit more considerate and a lot more thoughtful. Remember: kindness doesn't cost a thing!

Value people's time as well as your own 

One of the most annoying things is waiting for someone when they are late, especially if you took the time to prepare yourself and leave early to avoid this happening. What's even more annoying is when you are paying them for a service meaning they are on your time - this is unprofessional and is a reflection of that persons respect for you and their dedication to the craft or service they are providing, which may make you want to rethink working with them. Always make sure that you set aside some leeway time in case of delays/traffic/etc. Aim to get to wherever you need to be around 15 minutes earlier.

Accept your flaws

There will always be a time when someone doesn’t agree with you or comments on something that you have done in a negative way, especially at the work place. The important thing to do is to just accept their opinion and to take it in your stride. Ask them to elaborate and you may be surprised with their answer - just remember to be confident in yourself and know the difference between being comfortable with yourself and being unable to handle criticism.

Accept differences

We are not all the same; we come from different upbringings, cultural back grounds and ethnicities. You must learn to appreciate that there will be people who are fundamentally different to yourself and who believe in different ideals to your own. Throughout your working life you will encounter many people who are different to you – the best thing to do is acknowledge this and you will learn something new. You never know what you might learn from opening yourself up to other ideas and opinions!

Put in the time when you need to 

Sometimes putting in an extra hour or two goes a long way where your professional life is concerned. It also shows appreciation and respect from the person you are working for as they see that you are dedicated and that you believe in the work that you are doing. This can come in the form of a promotion, pay rise or even a recommendation for another job which always goes a long way. Don't be the person who rushes out of the office as soon as it hits 6pm.

Lend a hand if you can be helpful

Things get done quicker when we all contribute - FACT! If you're at work and you notice a colleague struggling with their workload, offer to lend a hand if you can. Not only will you be making someone else's life easier but you'll also reap the rewards if the time comes where you could do with some extra help!

Do you have any acts of kindness and consideration that you've been practicing? Comment and let us know!