Mans back fixed With 3D Printed bones
A team of neurosurgeons in New South Wales, Australia have performed lifesaving surgery on a cancer patient which had a rare type of cancer which affected his spine, specifically his top two vertebras.
The surgeons removed the cancerous areas and replaced them with 3D printed titanium vertebras. This is the first ever time that this sort of surgery has been done before.
The high risk procedure took 15 hours to complete and there was much uncertainty about the high as to whether the patient, Drage Josevski would survive, having been planned months in advance though, the tumour was successfully removed and the vertebrae implants were slotted in with ease, fitting, “like a glove.”
More and more surgical procedures are being solved these days with 3D printing technology, especially considering the complex and fatal cancer that Mr. Joveski has was removed and treated relatively effortlessly.
There are some complications, Joveski is having some trouble eating and speaking normally, though this is only temporary, he is able to move his head and neck easily, his condition is improving every day and will hopefully make a full recovery in a few short months.
He plans on attending his daughter, Tanya’s wedding in time to meet his future grandchildren. Given the dire diagnosis he was given a few months ago and the years that have been added to his life, he is a very lucky man.