One way you need to look at your time
We took a look at how you can maximise your time to work more effectively and productively and kept coming back to the same point - whatever you're doing in your free time, whatever project you're working on - treat it like a business.
Knowing how much time you have to execute your ideas is essential to conquering any industry and will help you plan your next move.
Here's an example of a typical day:
If you are an aspiring musician you are most likely to either be studying or have a full time job, and from the moment you get home at 6pm after your 9 to 5 job, you wind down from the day with some Netflix and eat your dinner. You're now at 7pm, you have around 4-6 hours to get some work done, you can break this up into 1-2 hours of practice, (it's usually best to do this one first if you have neighbours), if you produce your own music you can then spend 1-2 hours of finishing your current songs or writing new ones. Then finally you can spend the same amount of time promoting your music on social media on your phone/ computer (and if you leave this one until last you can do it in bed).
Whether you spend 1-2 hours on these things or change the order, you will still be making progress daily and, most importantly, keeping your morale high.
When the weekend comes you have now got 18 hours to spend on your music so you can get more work done and, more importantly, you can reflect on the week's work and look towards the following week and plan ahead to maximise on your progress.
When you have a free day to work on your projects, remember to treat it like a business and make a tight schedule and stick to it.