Full Cycle tour hits London - April 8th
Drum and Bass | Wednesday 13th January 2016 | Arren
Roni Size and Krust are heading to Village Underground, presenting… FULL CYCLE!!!
Two of Bristol’s biggest drum & bass icons will be dropping into Village Underground to present their label, Full Cycle, this April. The imprint was one of the best outlets for drum & bass in the late 90s and is responsible for a huge list of tunes that changed the rule book. They nurtured a vibrant scene from their hometown and had signings from Die, Suv, Surge and Clipz.
Roni (pictured above) and Krust will be performing a special B2B set with Dynamite MC on hosting duties. Together they will be "presenting the roots of Jungle and D&B. Old classics, unreleased studio cuts, and originals re-mastered!".
Their appearence in London on April 8 is part of a wider Full Cycle tour taking them from their hometown, Bristol, to a variety of European cities including Leeds, Antwerp and Berlin. It promises to be an epic night celebrating a label that shaped the drum & bass we hear today, from a pair who were behind it all.
Get tickets for Roni Size & Krust present Full Cycle at Villiage Underground