Aphex Twin is back.
Other | Wednesday 29th August 2018 |
Among the pioneers of electronic music, there is one more mysterious and intriguing than everyone else: Richard D. James, alias Aphex Twin, or AFX, Polygon Window, Dice Man amongst many weird other names.
For anyone who hasn’t known the 90s it might seem strange, but there was a time when a long-haired ginger guy more or less considered a god by all the ravers.
Each time he has a release it was received as a new resurrection. Aphex Twin was seen at the time as the future of techno and electronic music.
However after a relative flat period during the 2000s, Aphex Twin is now back. And the least we can say is that he doesn’t do anything like everyone else.
At the beginning of August, some mysterious logo appeared in London, Torino, New York, Los Angeles or Tokyo. New album or new tour? His label Warp Record finally gave us the answer on the 6th, revealing Collapse, a new EP. You can listen to the first song online, T69 Collapse. Weird or awesome, that’s up to you to make your decision, but coming from Aphex Twin we are not disappointed at all.
Collapse will be released via Warp Records on September 14th.