Welcome to the White Queen!
Wednesday 17th July 2013 | Marianna
Welcome the White Queen
It feels as if high school drama and sci-fi has become slightly outdated now that we see the introduction of series’ concerning British history and various wars. Game of Thrones has become a hit sensation, with thousands tweeting about the events that are untwining before them on their television screen.
Now it’s time to say hello to a new BBC 10 part drama; THE WHITE QUEEN. Yes, the title may not be the most exhilarating and action packed, but believe me, it fulfils its purpose. The White Queen is an explicit representation of the vicious and threatening times in English History, with key themes such as love, lust, murder and deception pulling out their big guns.
After watching the first episode, I have not only once, not twice, but three times gasped due to the unexpected path the plot has taken. At first we learn of the love between King Edward, a charmingly royal chap and Elizabeth Woodville and a commoner from the House of York – but no, plot twist. I’ve decided to not tell you what next happens because then you won’t have the chance to stay totally glued to your electronic device, waiting for the next breath taking moment.
The opening scene breathes Narnia, allowing the audience to indulge into a fairytale. However, a battle emerges, taking our view from the glazed snow to the gorging limbs being detached from the body and the crimson-scarlet blood spilling left and right. The war has begun. You may be thinking that here in England, we consider ourselves lucky if we get 2 inches of snow on our pavements, so how is this a truthful and reliable illustration? Whatever be the case, the confinements of the families at battle and budding romance between the two main characters hints William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Let’s hope the ending is not the same!
I can understand why a girl would appreciate this series, the King truly is handsome. Boys, worry not, this series has plenty for you. I suspect you want to be seen courageous, brave, and strong? You can learn it here!
The White Queen comes out on DVD and Blu-ray on the 19th August, so be sure to grab a copy of the whole season at your nearest retail store!
Written by Marianna M.