Step up and do your bit for London nightlife! #SaveFabric
Step up and do your bit for London nightlife!
Fabric has been one of the hottest clubs in the world for a long time. A stalwart of the worlwide ravescene since 1999, with insane sound systems, the greatest music on earth and awesome vibes satisfying ravers from all over the globe.
The recent decision to suspend Fabric’s license been greeeted with furore justifiably by those involved in the capital's thriving scene. Despite the awful recent events, it is unfair that a club and a section of society is punished in a way that will go anyway towards solving the problem or addressing the issues.
The safety of club goers should be investigated, but there are sensible alternatives to shutting clubs down and driving drug use underground or elsewhere! This move leaves dedicated club-goers and London's nightlife culture devastated and is stealing the youth of a generation.
An 18 year old here is devestated that they haven't even had their chance to ever go. Something tells us she will be taking drugs anyway. If only she could know how strong these drugs were before she took them perhaps she would be better equipped to look after herself.
Help out the old skool and new skool ravers by signing the petition to #SaveFabric here.