
Winterville extravaganza coming to Victoria Park this December

Other | Wednesday 1st October 2014 | Bobby

Christmas. Traditionally it's a time for family gatherings, egg nog and copious amounts of undercooked meat. Over recent years however, thanks to the human race's natural instinct to have more fun, we've seen a host of winter wonderlands festively pop up all over the nation's capital, helping us escape that '1970's Christmas' vibe of our own homes. 

From December 2nd, through Christmas until the 31st, Victoria Park will play host to Winterville, a brand new winter wonderland looking to entertain our every festive need. It'll be a place for all ages with the usual Santa's Grotto, Pantomime shows and a specially designed arts & crafts area for the children, giving the adults plenty of chance to ditch their little ones and have some fun. It's with the adult entertainment where Winterville is really going to shine, bringing a plethora of established London-based industries with it, from street food to club nights we're going to be really spoilt this winter. 

First thing's first, there will be craft pubs… craft pubs supplying beer from three of London's top brewers - Beavertown, Pressure Drop, and The Five Points Brewing Co have all signed up, making sure our alcohol is served up to the finest quality. There will also be a ski-themed bar (because snow and christmas go hand in hand) along with a bar selling nothing but hot cider to warm our cold, cold hearts. 

To accompany all those steins we have the food - stalls will include Pizza provided by Dalston-based trendy Pizza toppers Voodoo Ray's, The Bell & Brisket will be lavishing our pie-holes with all sorts of succulent pulled meats (a sentence sounding as much like a euphemism as possible), Anna Mae's will be dishing out their signature Mac 'n' Cheese and there will also be an East Asian Dumpling stall from Dorshi, providing exciting flavours that recently won them a Young British Foodies award

After consuming all that food, you're going to need entertaining, Winterville has this covered with the usual expectancies of a winter wonderland whilst throwing a few curve balls at our faces for goodwill. A massive, sheltered ice-rink provides the traditional affair, while a Bugged Out Roller Disco rolls in from the leftfield to bruise our knees. There will be romantic horse-drawn carriage rides for the couples, whilst the single people can go watch a WALL OF DEATH (!) performance, because nothing spreads christmas spirit more than the potential death of a motorcyclist. A lovely, big ferris wheel will provide relaxing views of the whole park from up high, where you'll probably see the guys from Shit-faced Shakespeare doing their best to keep things composed on stage, whist being the most intoxicated lot at the entire event. 

The best thing about Winterville is it's price, it's free! With only specific tickets needed for certain shows taking place over the festive period.  For a full list of attractions, tickets and a handy map, head on over to the Winterville website now.