Train Track Travels; Interrailing
House | Thursday 22nd August 2013 | Monna
Everyone dreams to see the world, until you check your bank account and those dreams fade and are eventually are buried. But what if there was a possibility to see the places in your dreams on a budget and which doesn’t require a whole gap year? Inter railing, the teen adventure of the 70s is worming it’s way back into many travel dreams. At a budget of £300 for two weeks, you could potentially still go to Magaluf or Zante.
After leaving your domestic country, Europe is at your fingertips. With one country passes or a global pass, you can learn the history of Germany, relax in beautiful Croatia, explore the controversial culture of Turkey, party in Amsterdam or spain, drink champagne in sophisticated Italy which you have discounts for ferry rides to Greece or even absorb the traditions of eastern europe. On a small budget, £160 for a ten day pass you can see Prague, Pula, Venice, Vienna, Berlin, Istanbul and Paris for example. On an even smaller budget of £46 for a one country pass, you can visit Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos or Patras. You can even plan ahead and time it for festivals like Sziget festival in Budapest, Hideout in Croatia, even Benicassim in Barcelona or Oktoberfest in Germany.
Some tips when inter railing:
Police are a lot more frightening abroad, it is vital to not lose your passport.
After facing trauma in St.Marc’s Square in Venice, the seagulls are desperate for food and do not be alarmed if they are eating pigeons.
Always carry Anti-Bac and be prepared to squat for the loo.
Try the different beers, wines and spirits
Try the local cuisine
Grab a local map from tourism and let your feet take you to the sights
Don’t leave time to sunbath in summer, the city will cook you without you realising
make sure you have seat reservations for night trains and be aware of seat reservations on other trains
keep is cheap with hostels ( the pass provides many discounts for many hostels and hotels)
keep an eye out for the competitions and perks of having of a pass
Take advantage of the 7pm rule - travel after 7pm and it will count as the same day travel
Don’t get lost in the rush of travel - don’t get hot headed, it’s just a train and it’s a holiday!
make a new memory in each place and feeling linked to that place
Remember inter railing can be a mere taster to where you eventually travel in the future
With your ticket and passport in your backpocket, all you need is a camera and fresh new underwear if your fussy. Why just create memories in one amazing country, when you can conquer the many beauties of Europe in a month, leaving the rest of your life to explore the rest of the globe. Inter railing is like a rainbow of countries and cultures ready for you to absorb and explore.
By Monna Matharu