'I still have more to say as Fakear'
Guestlist had the chance to chat with French DJ Fakear. The talented artist made his way to KOKO for an epic performance in front of a dedicated crowd that vibed through every second of his incredible show. We caught up with the DJ beforehand to see what else he has in store for us in 2018.
How’ve you been doing Fakear? Excited for your upcoming performance?
Well, I’m a bit nervous as this is quite an important date on my tour. It’s the third time I have played in London, but the first in Koko. Especially as a headliner.
So from which part of France do you come from?
I grew up in Caen, Normandie. But I moved to Paris three to four years ago, and I’ve been living in Lausanne, Switzerland for the past four years.
How was it growing up in Caen?
I actually grew up in the countryside, so I had quite a lot of time to myself. I had time to create an imaginary world with video games, create stories as well. All of this was a big help for the music I’m doing now.
Where you the troublemaker growing up?
I mostly spent time in my own bubble, so no I wasn’t. I was a quiet kid and only started questioning authority five years ago.
So what made you get into music?
Both my parents are music teachers. I learnt theory when I was three or four years old at the same time I would learn French. So it’s pretty much something natural in my life. I did my first couple of songs when I was 17 and started producing in 2009. Fakear really came to life in 2012.
Talking about Fakear. What does that mean? Because from what we know it’s someone who walks on nails!
Actually, it has a double meaning - a fakear is a spiritually wise man that stabs himself with swords (laughs)! But apart from the stabbing part, I thought of this because of the spiritual connection I put into my music.
And then there’s ‘fake-ear’ because you don’t have the guitar anymore. You don’t use real instruments, that’s what my friends would tell me about electronic music.
So why did you chose electronic music instead of a genre where you could use real instruments?
I started playing in a rock band when I was younger, playing the guitar. But I switched to electro because it allowed me to create my own universe, just like in video games. I’d rather have full control of the music I do, that’s why I left the band and started being Fakear. I was starting to get frustrated.
Would you be able to go back to band life?
At the moment I prefer being on my own, still having control over what I do. I still have more to say as Fakear. In France, there are five of us playing on the stage but I’m the one composing the music and then we adapt it to the other musicians. But we’re not a band yet.
I’ll always keep a solo project, but going back to being in a band is for later on.
What have been the biggest obstacles you have had to overcome so far?
Ego. Definitely ego. This is an industry where when you start being a little notorious, people start being nice to you and it gets to your head. We always feel like we’re handling it, but we’re don’t necessarily do. It’s always a comparison game and that’s when it becomes vicious.
It was hard for me to understand that other artists in the same field were not copying me, but instead creating - just like myself - their own world. Each of us is just living their lives and doing their own thing, it’s not all a competition.
Also, friends sometimes are traitorous. On the one hand, they try to tone down your hype to compensate, but it can be hurtful sometimes because you want your friends to actually care about the work you do.
On the other hand, there are those that absolutely want to become your friend. We live in a world where it’s become so important to be noticed that it generates either envy or admiration.
Could you give us a little backstory to your newest album?
So this is the first album I wrote without being on the road. I had just come back from a trip with my girlfriend and we were in a good place. I would smoke a lot at that time, but it was quite good for me at that particular period. It was just before I discovered yoga and meditation, during the winter of 2016/2017.
Weed allowed me to disconnect and come out of the expectations I would put on my music. These kind of thoughts intoxicate the quality of the sound you produce.
I got inspired by many things when creating the album - a trip to the US, my girlfriend, which is my main source of inspiration for this album, travelling and many other stuff. I don’t really listen to mainstream music, mostly just old albums I like to listen to on repeat.
What message do you want to communicate with your music?
This album was created with my discovery of spirituality and belief in karma.
I want people to open up to spirituality, learn how to know themselves, how to take care of themselves. When you take care of yourself, you attract good things. It’s the attraction law, or as many others call it, karma. What goes around comes back around.
Tell us one thing about you that's weird?
I still have a baby tooth, it never fell off.
And when I start being in a bad place, I go on a walk in the countryside and start talking to myself in English. There are some emotions or feelings I can’t express in French, that’s why my personal coach is American.
If you could fill a pool with anything you like what would it be?
Canada Dry! Definitely Canada Dry. I’m a huge fan!
You can find Fakear on Twitter // Facebook