Meet Jo Maiden, the woman bringing sustainable fashion to the UK
For the past 7 years, ASOS and Jo Maiden have been working together to bring us sustainable fashion from Africa.
Launching her latest fashion line with ASOS, 'Made in Kenya' is crafted by seamstresses in Rukinga Wildlife sanctuary as part of Maiden's SOKO product line (a clothing manufacturing unit based in Kenya). The designer ensures that workers get paid fair wages, communities are treated well and the environment is protected.
From bold prints, edgy patterns, and fierce statement pieces the range is incredible. Talking to The Huffington Post, Maiden makes sure that, "SOKO manages the CMT (cut, make, trim) part of the production process and so this stage of the process is 100% traceable," while " Part of ASOS’s commitment to sustainable fabrics includes sourcing 100% sustainable cotton from organisations such as the Better Cotton Initiative and Cotton Made in Africa (CMiA)."
With more companies like ASOS supporting ethically conscious designers like Maiden we are starting to see fashion making leaps and bounds in the right direction.
Here are a couple of pieces from their collection: