
Far right party pulling the strings behind the scenes

Other | Wednesday 26th July 2017 | Claudia

Protests have broken out in Poland as hundreds of thousands of civilians from across the country took to the streets to show their disapproval towards the PiS’s bid to replace the Supreme Court judges.

Many took to the street holding candles and patriotic flags shouting “shame, shame,”  as people are scared that the country’s judiciary system will be placed under political control.

Even the EU is threatening to intervene, and it seems as if Poland's political parties are in two minds about the future of the country's justice system.

100 cities across the polish nation responded with relief to the delayed reforms from the populist Law and Justice party, with protests continuing over 4 successive days, as no final judgment has been made yet on if the bill will go through. 

Many affluent individuals are also opposing the bill this includes politicians, celebrities, and thousands more pouring into the streets of Poland to show their support.

President Andrzej Duda who was supposed to sign his party's bill, PiS, did a major reversal when he vetoed and rejected two of the three bills. Mr Duda said: "This law would not strengthen the sense of justice."

“I have decided to send back to parliament – in which case to veto – the law on the supreme court, as well as the law on the National Council of the Judiciary.”

President Andrzej Duda has been given an ultimatum on whether to sign or veto the controversial bill with a minimum of 21 days to make his decision. This could mark major changes to the country's democratical system.

Prime minister Beata Szydlo, the current leader of Poland has set the cards out on the table and made it clear that she will still persist for the reforms regardless of public decisions.

She said: “Reforming the courts is necessary – they do not work very well today."

However, many people believe the reforms to be a ploy from the PiS to be a power hungry bill. That would mean the government would be given the opportunity to ultimately allow all Supreme court Justices to retire and let the party be given free reign on who they get to pick as new judges.

Law officials claim that this will “heal” Poland's elitist's justice system but the opposition is concerned about sustaining the separation of powers injunction with EU law.

Lawyer Krzysztof Izdebski has spoken out saying: “A feeling of trust towards the courts is fundamental in the tripartite of power.“It allows for balance and control over what the ruling does. As both law and justice system is in control of both houses this amendment is a sure win to pass, so place your bets if you're feeling lucky.

First bills were passed through the Senate after a long 16-hour debate, whilst members of the public still stood strong in protested against this democratical right.