Veganism, it's more than just a fad, it's a responsibility for human kind!
Veganism is everywhere! It’s huge! Across the country, Costa Coffee's are selling more coconut milk drinks than dairy, people are munching on seitan on a daily basis and to-fish has become a very real thing as an accompaniment to chips.
But with all this hype around a meat, egg and a dairy-free diet, is it really worth all the hassle?
With almost a fifth of greenhouse gasses and a tenth of water pollution being blamed on livestock along with a huge chunk of the amazon rainforest being used to feed animals, perhaps it’s time that we all took consideration of the food that we consume and the impact that our eating habits are having on the environment and the world.
It’s thought that leaving meat off our plate could cut O2 emissions by two-thirds.
But as well as helping the earth and the oceans, turning to a world of veganism could mean much more than just aiding in the prevention of the melting ice caps and stopping the thinning of the Ozone layer.
Veganism, in general, is a much healthier diet so even those that don’t particularly care about the environment (although we all live here and have a responsibility for it, just saying), by not eating animal products it is thought that vegans live a longer and healthier life, than their meat-eating friends.
As well as loads of vegan food being way more nutritious than meat, dairy and eggs, there is so much stuff that actually tastes way better too. Just check out the vegan pad Thai dish, you can thank me later.
If that doesn’t convince people then surely as the most intelligent species on the planet (that is for now, until the aliens take over at least) we have a responsibility on how the other species get treated.
Animals used for any source of human gain (i.e. food, fur, entertainment etc.) are treated in a horrendous manner and no matter how much people like to not think about it, the truth is, it happens and it is brutal.
So in this day and age knowing what we know and with the insane amount of amazing vegan alternatives available, do people still really have an excuse to be consuming animal products and mocking those who don’t?
Of course, it is important to respect everyone’s opinions but it is an undeniable fact that the consumption of animal products is destroying the environment, torturing animals and is wrecking havoc on the human body.
Perhaps it’s time to start thinking about cutting out the amount of meat that we consume as human beings because let’s face it, most vegans don't become so because they hate the taste of chicken nuggets. The only reason that we really consume meat, is kind of for our own selfish wants rather than needs.