
Label of the Month: Heavenly Recordings

Indie | Monday 8th July 2013 | Cristina

Independent label Heavenly Recordings peddle in the more arty fares which indie and alternative rock have to offer in 2013, showcasing guitar music which ranges from Chillwave and downtempo to neo-psychedelic and acoustic. It has shown itself to be a label to watch this month and well into the year, with regular releases on the cutting edge of indie music which have shaken up the genre and changed the game for future generations of musicians.

Temple are one of the artists backed by Heavenly Recordings,  purveyors of gorgeous, timeless neo-psych which seems at once to have been pulled from the heart of 60s mod culture and to fit right in to the styles and sounds of today. They deliver opulent, shimmering guitar work laden with the connotations of incense and rainbow tie dye. Production is rich without being too glossy, effecting a sound which is traditionally psychedelic with mystical, new-agey overtones.

TOY are another quality product to have emerged from the doors of Heavenly Recordings in the last few months. A festival favourite, TOY have proven their worth as worthy successors of downtempo, trip-hop artists such as the great Portishead. The label has been on point in terms of talent scouting and in-the-know indie fans are raving about rising stars Charlie Boyer and the Voyeurs, decadently dressed group with equally indulgent music. The band highlight Heavenly Recordings’ penchant for artists with an image and a show to bring the stage.

Keep an eye on Heavenly Recordings for regular updates on innovative, melodic guitar music to keep you on your toes. The strongest common thread in the label’s work is the element of the psychedelic which weaves itself through recordings and productions, evoking the divine sounds which form the portfolio of the aptly titled Heavenly Recordings.

Cristina Trujillo | @cristinaxt |