
Arnie Tells Deniers: ‘I Don’t Give A Damn If You Don't Believe In Climate Change!’

Other | Thursday 10th December 2015 | Tom

Arnold Schwarzenegger forged his career on being built like a brick shithouse, but now the man who is part human, part cybernetic organism is taking a different battle to save humanity to the United Nations.

Arnie is currently attending the Paris Climate Change Conference in a bid to try and inject a boost into the backside of those not willing to combat emission levels that are rapidly spiraling out of control, and in a recent Facebook post he advised people to invest in greener technology.

First – do you believe it is acceptable that 7 million people die every year from pollution? That’s more than murders, suicides, and car accidents – combined.

Every day, 19,000 people die from pollution from fossil fuels. Do you accept those deaths? Do you accept that children all over the world have to grow up breathing with inhalers?

Now, my second question: do you believe coal and oil will be the fuels of the future?

Besides the fact that fossil fuels destroy our lungs, everyone agrees that eventually they will run out. What’s your plan then?

Arnie stated that he didn’t give a ‘damn’ whether those challenging him believed in climate change or not, switching to greener fuels would be a sensible investment now as they would inevitably eclipse fossil fuels.

I, personally, want a plan. I don’t want to be like the last horse and buggy salesman who was holding out as cars took over the roads. I don’t want to be the last investor in Blockbuster as Netflix emerged.

Although he is famous for his protein packed muscles Arnold told the BBC that eating meat poses massive risks to the environment and that if the average person had a few meat rest days then the world would be better off for it.

28% of the greenhouse gasses come from eating meat and from raising cattle, so we can do a much better job.

This obviously drew criticism from gymheads who expressed their worry that the advice to eat less meat would disrupt their ability to make gains. Which Arnie responded to, Luckily we know that you can get your protein source from many different ways, you can get it through vegetables if you are a vegetarian. I have seen many bodybuilders that are vegetarian and they get strong and healthy.

Arnold stated that the challenges posed by climate change went beyond politics or national boundaries, claiming that everyone in the world should be collaborating to reduce emissions, including China and The United States.

Other Notable Celebrities Fighting Climate Change

Arnold Schwarzenegger is by no means the only celebrity who is facing the issue of climate change, here are some others:

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio is an Oscarless actor who really cares about the environment. He is a U.N Messenger of Peace for the Climate and recently spent a long time talking to Secretary of State John Kerry at the Paris conference, proving that he has influence at the highest levels.

DiCaprio also sits on the board at the W.W.F, chokeslamming those that threaten the environment and his own conservation group donated $15 million to other groups fighting environmental change.

Good guy Leo!


Cameron Diaz


Cameron Diaz is also renowned for leading an eco-friendly lifestyle. She uses green energy and reuses products, was one of the first people to drive a Prius and once had a TV show on MTV called ‘Trippin’ which was focused on the environment and conservation.

In 2007 Cameron Diaz announced an environmental campaign alongside veteran vegan Al Gore aimed at promoting global warming awareness. Cameron Diaz is a great model for people who wish to be more environmentally friendly.

 Will I Am

Will I Am owns a company called ‘EKOCYCLE’ which has recently teamed up with Coca-Cola and other big brands to inspire a global movement aimed at encouraging recycling behaviour.

Ekocycle identify products such as plastic bottles and cans that can be repurposed into fashion and lifestyle products, with Will I Am stating that he is ‘on a mission to educate and inspire people around the world to seek out more sustainable lifestyle choices’.