An interview with Noir
House | Wednesday 25th February 2015 | Annalisa
What inspired you to pursue house and techno when you first started out, given that there wasn’t really a platform for it in Denmark in the 80s?
I was very much into the music coming from especially UK in the late eighties. That whole house scene and those acid vibes sounded so fresh and I kept tuning into UK radio stations to hear the new stuff. I can’t explain why, but I just loved it from the age of 10.
What was your first record?
The first 12” I bought was Shep Pettibone's house remix of Duran Duran's 'I Don’t Want Your Love' in 1988. I was 12 years old and had just saved up for a stereo with a turntable built into it.
What is your favourite record in your current collection?
I think the Lil' Louis 'French Kiss' vinyl is my favourite. Mainly cause I was after it for a long time before I found it on 12”.
Do you think your style has changed over the years? How so?
Yes definitely. It changes every year, every season. I quickly get bored of one specific sound so I move onto the next thing pretty quickly. On my album you will hear that I don’t hang on to “one specific sound” or maybe even genre. It’s the same when you hear me DJ I guess. I am just turned on by good music really.
You spent NYE at Ministry of Sound with Defected! How was that?
As per usual, really good! Defected parties are always packed with happy people that just want to party and dance their arses off. That’s a pretty good thing when you're the guy behind the decks!
Did you make any new year's resolutions?
A really boring one..... I want to get in better shape for the summer coming. I feel better when I am fit to travel. Last part of 2014 I started eating unhealthy food and shit again. So for me it’s back on track and get ready for an action packed summer season.
You have played all over the world, is there a country or place that particularly stands out?
I get this question a lot and I can never really answer it honestly. I have many unique memories and cherish each and every one very highly. Holland, UK, Greece, Brazil, USA, Spain, Egypt, Dubai, Italy, Germany.....So many great parties, places, people, venues. It is honestly extremely difficult to pick 1, 10 or 50.
Is there a place you haven’t played yet, and if so, what is it and why?
I haven’t been to Australia yet. It just hasn’t worked out with the time line and busy touring schedule in EU. The plan is to go there in 2015/2016 though.
Why did you set up your own label?
I followed labels from an early age and learned how specific labels had their own sound and identity. That fascinated me a lot. So it was always my plan and dream to have my own label and be the A&R. When my DJing and producing career took off I bought the domain Noir-Music instead of just Noir cause I knew I would eventually want to have my own label.
What is it that you look for when signing new artists to Noir?
I don’t look I LISTEN. I try not to look at the names behind the music - just use my ears with no prejudice and listen to the music and see if it captivates my attention. I listen for the kinda music I would play in a DJ set myself. I listen for music that has that “something special”. Could be vocals, melodies or just the production itself. Something that stands out or just sound so damn good you have to hear it again and again.
We’ve already had a small preview with the track 'My Fault' which you released with HRRSN, but your new album is due to be released in March, is there a particular theme to this one?
The theme is just NOIR. This album is very much me. I sat down. Started from scratch on each track you hear. No templates or repeated drums, synths etc. If some of it sounds similar it’s because I am turned on by specific sounds and melodies. You can hear the musical inspiration I grew up with from 80s Depeche Mode to 90s Massive Attack, and of course the electronica scene of today. I did not try to copy anyone or sound like this and that. I wanted this to be honest and 100% NOIR.
Can we expect to hear some collaborations? Perhaps with some of the artists on your label?
You never know....right now I am in a very creative phase, just back to doing proper club tracks. I have had a few conversations with my friends in the industry about collabs and I have a lot ideas on storyboard that I could get them involved in and probably will.
Do you have a favourite track on your new album?
Today it's 'Let It Go'. Yesterday is was 'Time'. It changes almost every day. It's Important to me that I have a special relationship to each and every song on this album. It took me a long time to finish cause I wanted to be 100% happy with it. Some songs changed a lot over the past 2 years – some didn’t. Everything has been done with love and passion for what it is.
And finally a few Guestlist questions!
What would you be doing if not this?
Trying to make a career as a professional footballer. At the age of 18 I had to choose between music and football. I am a big football fan and watch a lot of games. I miss playing football myself a lot.
If you could be anyone else for the day, who would it be?
David Bowie. I would like to be inside his head, have his memories, experience and ideas. He must have seen and experienced almost everything.
What are your top 3 things that you want to do before you die that you haven’t done yet?
I want a dog. A Labrador. Dogs bring so much happiness and love. Unfortunately I am not home that much, so it would not be responsible for me to get a dog right now.
I would like to swim with dolphins or be in the sea close to sharks and weird creatures. Those documentaries about dolphins, sharks, the underwater world always fascinate me. I've done a bungee jump. One day I’d like to do parachute jump somewhere beautiful.
Some quick word association questions… What is the first thing that comes to mind when we say…
Follow the heart and let your mind do the rest.
People at festivals.
Predator (I saw the re-run of the movie last night)
Seafood from Greece
That guy from The Village People.
Back to studio.
My wife.
What can we expect from Noir this year apart from the exciting album release this spring?
More music on various labels, some remixes, and a guy enjoying the world tour, doing his best to put a smile on people's faces and make them DANCE!