
Guestlist Recommends: Night Beds

Indie | Friday 12th April 2013 | Varala


Wiston Yellen’s  band, Night Beds is just as desolate as it is heart-warming. Night Beds has all the cathartic and introspective loneliness that is similar to the kind of thing Bon Iver or Perfume Genius would do. But what sets Night Beds apart is that the sound is only coming from Yellen and his guitar. There’s a certain charm about hearing his vocals so clearly. The songs are undeniably intimate.

Somewhere in between searching for direction in his life and seeking answers for the future, Yellen found himself in a Nashville house once owned by Johnny Cash and fleshed out ten tracks worth of solo musician gold. The songs about self-reflecting, heartache and isolation formed the debut album Country Sleep. You can see Night Beds live at The Borderline on Monday 15th April 2013. Check out our event page for details.

Here are the top picks for Night Beds’ album Country Sleep:



2.‘Even If We Try’ (Brace yourselves for the video. Things get pretty strange).





By Varala Maraj
