Kurt Vile - Wakin' on a Pretty Daze
Indie | Tuesday 19th February 2013 | Thisbe
Looking, but hopefully not smelling like something that was born at Woodstock, is Kurt Vile. Ready to free his latest album, Wakin On A Pretty Daze into the ether on April 8th (UK).
Teasing fans with the video for the new tune “Wakin On A Pretty Day”, it’s an easygoing experience and a natural progression from his previous record Smoke Ring To My Halo. His fresh take on psychedelic roots rock, with Dylan-like drawl, summery strumming and slow paced guitar solos is a soothing experience, although definitely not the remedy for a hormone driven disaffected youth.
Vile’s music in its entirely has something of a Kerouac pilgrimage about it. And although (new single included) it would fit right in on drive-time radio, it’s a pace that’s duly needed in a pool of aggressive new releases. The new tune is rather like squashing down into a comfy armchair. I’m not sure it’s the one to get younger listeners really excited, especially as Dad’s probably going to be bopping the beat out on the dash, but I’m pretty certain that’s not his ambition.
For fans of naughty green substances, spending lecture-bunking horizontally, complaining that a cruel trick of birth had you miss the seventies by 20-years. It’s a good chilled one.