Alanis Morissette's music causes fight between lovers
Indie | Friday 19th October 2012 | Raquel
Apparently, Alanis Morissette music caused a domestic assault. Want to know why?
According to a Jacksonville television station (Florida), the city where it all happened, a 24-year-old man named Allen Casey hitted the face of his partner, 33-year-old Todd Fletcher, with a plate. He was arrested Sunday evening for the assault. But what was the motive? Well, Casey was very annoyed because all his boyfriend did was listen to Alanis. "That's all that motherfucker listens to!" Casey said according to a police report.
Casey was later found by the police in a nearby park and admitted the agression against his boyfriend. The police was noticed by a neighbour who heard and saw it all. It was added by a newspaper that Casey and Fletcher were using amphetamines or methamphetamines. Casey has been charged with domestic battery causing bodily harm.
Lets hear one of her hits, but please, with no one around. Her music just became dangerous.
By Raquel Gomes