Meet Catherine Ireton, the voice behind Belle and Sebastians’ God Help the Girl
Indie | Thursday 4th October 2012 | Laura
The Irish singer/songwriter will be performing the 2nd November in Brighton
This is the first article (more or less) that I have written because upon first sight-or in this case, sound- I have fallen in love. I’m listening to a lot of bands lately obviously seeing as I work in a music newspaper, and I have to be up to date with current artists. But I have to admit that since I first heard Catherine Ireton’s voice, I was desperately looking for an excuse to write about her, other than my own personal liking. Then I discovered that she was behind the main character of Belle and Sebastian’s project, God Help the Girl, which is an interesting topic, as it’s a well-known band, doing a weird project that consists mainly of a musical feature film. On top of this, they release the soundtrack to almost 3 years before the movie was actually being shot, also an innovative idea; and held open auditions (with more than 500 people auditioning for the roles) asking fans, and anyone interested in general, to participate in their project acting as extras, offering locations, etc. In times of crisis, it appears to me as a really good thing to do. But the movie isn`t likely to be released until next summer, because Stuart Murdoch, the lead singer of the group Belle And Sebastian and also writer and director of the project, started recording last July. So, why would I talk about a movie, when I don´t even know when it´s going to be released?
But then the moment arrived, Catherine Ireton is performing a concert in The Green Door Store, Brighton, the 2nd November, I know it still a month away, but some people like to make plans in advance -not like most of my friends, who call me to go out last minute when I’m about to put my pajamas on and watch a cheesy movie-. So now finally I have the perfect excuse to introduce you to my latest musical crush. Catherine Ireton is an Irish singer, songwriter, pianist and performer, who was born in 1982 in the Canadian prairies, but soon went to Ireland, where her parents originate from. After studying piano, drama and playing Jesus in school musical Jesus Christ Superstar wearing a white bikini on the cross in 2002, she formed the band Elephant and released In the Moon, but they split up two years after. Then she got involved with the God Help the Girl project while forming another band with an ex college friend from the Elephant, named Go Away Birds, with who she has now released three EP’s. Currently, she lives in Brighton and is recording her own songs like ‘From me to you’ and performing. You (and I, if I’m not run over by a van or something) will find her performing the 2d November at Green Door Store. And for the record, I have to say that I’m not the only one thinking she’s amazing, Marc Riley, from BBC6 Music says that she is one of his favorite voices, so if you don’t trust me, you can trust him!
By Laura Vila