"Beats going to class!"
Indie | Friday 11th October 2013 | Alex
Paul McCartney is one of the most easily recognisable faces in music and, indeed, pop culture. This guy has done just about everything there is to do in the music industry so it’s not really worth going on about, you all know, anyway. Recently, he seems to have developed a compulsive desire to appear from nowhere and play a gig full of his own sings with some Beatles tracks and Wings classics thrown in for good measure. It would appear that old Paul is now the musical equivalent of the child hiding behind the door waiting to scare its’ mother.
Playing to some 400 students at the Frank Sinatra School for the Arts, McCartney made his way through the 13-song set to people that could well be his Grand-children. They didn’t care, they loved every second of it. What never fails to be inspirational about McCartney’s attitude is his willingness to engage in a discourse with aspiring artists, at the FSSA gig, he’d play 2 or 3 songs and then break for a Q&A with students eager to take away a tiny golden nugget from the mine that is, Sir Paul McCartney.
P-Mac-Cee fielded questions that ranger from the overly complimentary, “How can one mind create so many memorable melodies?”, to his earlier days gathering notoriety with the Beatles. What was evident was that he answered the questions openly and with the whole truth. When asked about all of his memorable melodies he struggled to come up with a definitive answer (is there even one?), but simply replied, “I just love what I do.” To the point, honest, and what you expect from him. You don’t span 5 and half decades in the music industry with a passing interest in it. Hell, you don’t do anything for that space of time without enjoying it. See: breathing, eating, sleeping.
To this day, McCartney still proves to be as influential but not larger than life. He’s created a sense that he’s not unapproachable. Long story short, I bet he’s an amazing Granddad.
Alex Taylor https://twitter.com/alextaylor18