Groove Armada Interview
House | Wednesday 18th September 2013 | Annalisa
Guestlist Network: You are playing at the legendary Creamfields Festival this year in Liverpool, are you looking forward to this one?
Are there any acts that you are looking to see?
GN: You guys met back in 1993, and I am sure words cannot describe your crazy journey since then, but if you could pick a few highlights what would they be?
GN: How has the Groove Armada sound developed over the years and where would you say you were at now with it?
GN: You were one of the first acts to break the mould of signing with a major label and secure a deal with Bacardi- Martini. Tell us why your choose to go down this certain path?
GN: Do you both like a good drink and what is your favourite?
GN: ‘Superstylin’ is such a wicked track, where you surprised with the amount of love you received from this?
GN: Lovebox has grown to become such a huge festival and you guys achieved so much with it all. How hard was it to cease your involvement with it, was this a hard decision or a natural progression to move on?
GN: How does the production work between you both as I am sure it has changed over the years together?
GN: You have worked with a nice and diverse array of musical talent like Mutya Buenna, Will Young and Jeru The Damaja. Is there anyone else who you would love to work with?
GN: A while ago you provided some music for the Ray Man game. If you could be any computer game character from the past or present who would you be and why?
GN: You must have seen quite a lot of development in the electronic music scene in your lengthy career, what do you think the biggest change has been?
GN: What is the most exciting thing you are looking forward to this year?
GN: Thanks so much for chatting with us, we look forward to catching you at Creamfields :)))
Written by Matt Watkins