How Old You Really Are.
Other | Thursday 5th September 2013 | Nyasha
We all know our ages and birthdays but sometimes it takes something like your younger sister planning for her prom or your little brother passing his driving test to trigger off the fact that you’re getting old.
Well here are some more things, but musically. If like me, you were born in 1993 you are 20 or are turning 20. If not then the ages included won’t exactly apply to you, but you can still feel old with this information.
Do you remember the Spice Girls? Of course you do. Do you remember the song ‘Spice Up Your Life’? Again of course you do, but did you know that you were a mere FOUR years old when you were bouncing around listening to this song on a cassette tape? It was release 16 years ago.
Another cute one to remember is Nas ‘I Know I Can,’ very uplifting and cute, the video made you feel involved with the movement, ready for school and anything else you were dealing with. Well guess what you were only nine years old when this song was released. Not even double digits.
“No, I don’t want no scrubs. A scrub is a guy that can’t get no love from me.” Yes, TLC ‘No Scrubs’. Guess what, you were so sure that this was the type of guy to stay away from when you were only six years old. Now by my calculations weren’t we only in Year Two of primary school? At this age (six years old) we were also asking “can you pay my bills?” Destiny’s Child ‘Bills, Bills, Bills’ was released in 1999.
At the age of 10, we were singing along to ‘Ignition’ by R Kelly. The song celebrated its 10th birthday in January this year.
Secondary school children, always in a rush to grow up, an annoyance on the buses and sometimes very innappropriate. But in Year 7, did you know that we were dipping it low and tipsy? Only 11 years old. Christina Milian’s ‘Dip It Low’ was released nine years ago along with J Kwon’s ‘Tipsy.’ We were all familiar with the saying “Teen drinking is very bad” yet we were not even teens.
Well I hope I haven’t made you feel too old, actually I do. Musically we have come a mighty long way, so let’s just age and reminisce gracefully. We don’t have much longer before our younger relatives are telling us “You’re too old, so you wouldn’t understand.”