Corbyn wins prestigious peace award yet UK media turns a blind eye
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was in Geneva on Friday 8th of December, where he was awarded a highly prestigious International peace prize.
The prize is named the Sean Macbride peace prize, after the 1974 Nobel Peace Prize winner, and was rightfully awarded to Corbyn for his “sustained and powerful political work for disarmament and peace”.
Yet the spectacle of a party leader receiving such a prestigious award has been totally swept under the rug by all mainstream media outlets. Had it been Theresa May or one of her allies (a laughable thought I know), the news would have been rammed down our throats, but as it doesn’t fit their narrow and biased agenda, there was a widespread silence. It is as if any genuine efforts towards peace sends a shiver down the media’s fear mongering spine.
This is very telling and symbolic of the state of not only mainstream media but modern politics in Britain. We are privy to strange times when Theresa May and her government are still in absolute turmoil over Brexit, squabbling endlessly at the expense of billions and billions of pounds.
Corbyn receiving another award to add to his collection (including the Gandhi International Peace Award in 2013) frankly puts most other politicians to utter shame. It acts in stark contrast to the current lack of morality in politics and reminds us of what fundamentally should make a good politician - being dedicated to principles, trying to create a better world for all people (regardless of social class, wealth, or nationality) and tackling serious, global issues to actually make a positive difference to the majority of people's lives.