Cara Hammond Shares Visuals For Empowering First Single 'No'
20-year-old singer-songwriter Cara Hammond has been on the scene for a while and has now revealed her first official single, 'No', an empowering four minutes of soul and jazz-infused pop.
The song was inspired by a holiday to Prague where Cara and her friends were dancing in a nightclub.
"We met some guys in there and we were all having fun dancing together," Cara shares. "But when we wouldn’t go home with them they became really hostile. It seems it’s a common problem that girls are constantly having to say ‘No’ in situations like this and so many more. The song came naturally, and for me, it’s an anthem for ‘no means no.'''
The concept of the song is captured brilliantly in the video below:
With such thought-provoking lyrics and visuals, it's clear Cara has a bright future ahead. Here's hoping this debut gets the attention it fully deserves.
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