Introducing Echoes
London songstress Echoes has steadily been gaining critical acclaim, like being named Q Magazine’s ‘Best of May, thanks to her powerful blend of R&B, electronica and soul. We caught up with her amidst the release of her new single ‘Blue Deep’ to find out what else she’s got in store for us this summer.
Hi Echoes, how’s it going? Ready for the summer?
Yes! It's when London comes alive.
What’s the story behind the name Echoes?
I really believe that everything we do echoes forward, and our life today is the residual echo of everything that has gone before. We are all echoes.
We’ve only just discovered you and your music so give us a bit of background – how did you first start out?
After music school (which was a waste of time) I bounced around from group to group, until I realised I wanted to go solo. Then I bounced between different collabs, different sounds until it clicked into place.
Your music incorporates elements of R&B, soul, electronica, and ambient. How do you describe your sound?
That’s pretty accurate actually!
Your new single ‘Blue Deep’ is beautiful. What was the inspiration behind the track?
Any situation that you know is no good for you, but the current, the tide keeps pulling you back in. The passion and the pain become a bit addictive.
The video is also very striking – how did the visual concept come about?
I sat down with the incredible animator Matt Oakley and explained that I envisaged something hypnotic, fluid and sensual. The power of the water versus the inevitability of the sinking stone. By chance he has really similar music taste to me so he just got it straight away. It was so much fun to see it take shape, we’d send each other ideas but also just random underground songs that we think the other would love. It was really organic.
You don’t feature in the video, is that because you don’t like being in front of the camera?
I wanted the video to be musical art with no distractions of reality.
Are you going to be out gigging over the summer or are you still working on material in the studio?
I’m doing both! They feed each other. I played at The Royal Albert Hall last week and have a few cool festivals coming up - performing outside in the sun to happy people is everything. I’m in the studio as much as possible - I’m really excited about the new material in the pipeline.
What are you most looking forward to for the rest of the year?
Loads of things, but playing Henley Festival is definitely in the top three, because Elton John headlines.
Which song or piece of music changed your life?
My mum says I would always sway to the Eastenders theme tune when I was a baby and she was trying to feed me, so maybe that’s where it all started!
If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing for a living?
Something with words. I studied foreign languages because I love communication and its power. Maybe a writer.
If you could fill a swimming pool with anything, what would you choose?
What are you most in love with right now?
Where are your fave places in London?
Broadway Market in Hackney & walking over any of the bridges in the early evening.
What one thing would you do to change the world?
Make every life equal to the next.
Follow Echoes on Twitter.