Straight Outta Iowa
So whenever anyone mentions Slipknot, the first thing that comes into your mind is hellish masks, death-defying screams and super heavy metal, right?
Suprisingly though, following an interview for Australian radio FM4, frontman Corey Taylor spoke out after watching the film 'Straight Outta Compton' and said that he remembers growing up listening to hip hop and re-discovered his love for the abrasive, in-your-face style of music.
"Every once in a while you have to remind yourself why you make music. I love to make a certain type of music. It's got to be music with passion and heart, and watching that movie really inspired me to reinvest myself and get right back into it and just leave nothing on the table." Taylor added.
The band changed lineups in 2014, adding drummer Jay Weinberg and bassist Alessandro Venturella, and Taylor says that the band have never been stronger.
Slipknot take to the UK stage from February 2016, starting at London's Alexandra Palace on 9th February, which is Pancake Day so make sure to line your stomach with something other than beer and metal!
Click here for Slipknot tickets and tour dates
See you in the pit!