Joachim Garraud Interview
House | Wednesday 15th June 2011 | Osh
What kind of music did you listen to growing up? I listen different types of music, it really depends of the moment. For example when I practice some sports like running, I listen to electro or techno music. On the contrary, when I want to relax after performing, I listen to classical music or very calm music like Craig Amstrong's songs. I have very eclectic tastes in music.
Classical music is at the opposite of electro. Could you tell me more about your relation with classical music? You know, when I was young, I had the chance to have a classical music education. I learnt how to play the piano and the drums at school. When you study music you don’t learn electro music, you start with playing some classical music like Chopin, Bach, Beethoven. You have to learn all this classical first in order to know how to read and to write music. I’m feeling lucky to have this classical education because everyday when I’m deejaying, producing or writing songs, I use this classical music background. I cannot understand, sometimes people says to me “wah you listen to classical music! Are you a DJ or what?”.
What really makes you happy in life? Life makes me happy. Because I’m very lucky you know. I’m in love with music and I make music everyday. I think I couldn't find a better life that the life I already have. I spend all my time to do exactly what I love. I’m talking about music, travelling, meeting some people, being on stage. That’s why I am very happy and grateful to have this life.
You worked with great artists (Kylie Minogue, Moby, David Guetta and a lot of French Artists), how do you do prevent yourself from having of a big head? Ah ah ah, I don’t know. This is a trash question. You know all people you mentionned are in the music business and they are stars because everybody talks about them. Sure, they are famous but in the end, they are just human. So, it’s not because I work with a lot of well-known artists that I have to have a big head like you said. It’s a really strange question. I mean you’re very famous in France... No, you’re wrong I’m not. It’s not me but the people I’m working with maybe. Because when I’m making music or when I’m co-producing a track for David Guetta, making a remix for Kylie Minogue or big names. I just help them to make something together to I think that their music and their name are famous but you know the producer behind the record and the project, most of the time they’re hiding themselves. You think I’m famous but I’m not.
We see David Guetta all the time in the media. Tell me if I'm wrong but I have the feeling that you don't like to be in the spotlight...is that right? Hum, yes you’re right. I don't feel very comfortable to make some TV shows when there is not a strong link with the music. Because, as I told you, the main thing in my life is music. For example, I’m very happy of having this interview with you because we are talking about music you know. But most of the people when who have to meet you for an interview on TV or magazines, they are more interested with the bling aspect rather than the artistic part of my job. This is the main reason why I’m not very exciting by this kind of media. I prefer to focus on my first job which is to make music. I’m cool and comfortable to make this interview because we are talking about music but I’m not when we have to do like a TV show only to be on the TV and to promote something. That’s why sometimes I prefer to stay in the shadow. But I’m very cool to be on the spotlight but just on stage, when I’m playing music...
For the majority of people, the "French touch" is a term used to designate the french house music influenced by funk and disco. Could you give me your definition of the "French Touch"? Oh that’s a long story because French Touch started, in my opinion, from the Daft Punk a long time ago. They start to play with some … to have a dirty sound, when they start to play with some loops with repetitive sequences with the circle music. Actually, the Sweddish House mafia came it takes the place of the French Touch. Now it is more or less the sweddish dirty sound so the French Touch is not so “à la mode” (fashionable). But I’m very exciting and very proud to be French because when I’m touring or doing concerts all around the world everytime I say “I come from France, from Paris” everybody replies “Oh yeah it’s great, you’re lucky because you have very strong musicians". My luck is that guys like Daft Punk really help France to have a better image in the world. Yes, in France there are Daft Punk, Cassius, Justice, Cerrone... And also David Guetta, Bob Sinclar and all these famous DJs are French so indeed I think it’s good to be French.
So, Benjamin (your manager) told me you have just started recording a new album. Could you tell me more about that? Yes, actually I have a new brain album coming up and it’s called "Invahion in 2011". It is a new brained album with fifteen tracks and this album is available in two different ways. The first way is the classical digital way. For example, if you go on Itune or on Beatport, you will be able to download tracks one by one or the whole album. The other way of using this album is, I made a special box called "Invasion Box" and in this box (this is a huge box) you have a lot of thing regarding all the Joachim Garraud world. I’m talking about all my universe, the Space Invaders logo, the Space Invaders mask, and for sure the CD and the DVD. I mean a lot of cool thing. I’m really exciting to release this new album inside this brain new box. To get this box, there is only one way, you have to go on the Internet and type www.invasion2011.com . "The Invasion Box" is only available on the web and we already sell 1,000 boxes all around the world so I’m very proud of this new album.
I’d like to know if the project "Space invaders are back" have a direct link with the French urban artist Invader? No, there is no direct link. This is really two different things. You have to understand that when you walk in the streets in Paris, in London or in New York, you can find some graphic art which uses Space Invaders as street art work. Somebody else started doing this, at the end of the eighties and this guy makes plastic street art and I make music. It’s two different things, we are not directly linked. We just use both the same spirit of the Space Invaders video game but in the end, I make music and he makes urban art.
Do you believe in aliens? Yes, for sure I believe in aliens! You’re not believe in aliens? You have to believe in it because they are everywhere and there are space invaders everywhere. And you know what? They are back!
You say in your mix "We are the future". For you who are the future? “We are the future” is the name of my last track. The story is very easy to understand. I just talk about the new generation of clubbers. The new generation comes to the clubs or to Festivals just for having fun. When I say “We are the future” it means, we are the brain new generation. They don’t need anything else that music to make party. For example, they don’t need drugs and they don’t need alcohol to enjoy the party. And this brain new generation, the Space Invaders generation, they are the future. It is just to enjoy much as possible the music without taking any substances. You became a pioneer of numerical music by creating a new way to perform.
I saw you last year at Opium Club in Barcelona and it was amazing how you blend Deejaying and musical improvisation. What do you think about those who say Djs are not true musicians/artists? That’s a good question. First, I think because I have this classical education it was very exciting to be on stage and not doing only classical DJ set with CDs player. Well, it is a good thing to play CDs but when I’m taking the keyboard or the guitar (because it’s a mix between the keyboard and the guitar) and that I’m starting to play music people just freaking out. They are just crazy because you make a direct link between the music and the audience. There is something very special, that’s why I feel more like a show man as doing a show or performing. My brain new show called Space Invaders is an audio, video, musical show. So, I feel more like an artist or a show man part of the entertainment industry. It is not a classical way of deejaying.
What do you like the most in your job? (Deejaying, producing, composing, performing...) I like all of these things. Because for me, it is only one job. For instance, when I’m here at the studio for producing a track, after I take the plane to go to a Festival and I play this track on stage and improvise some music. This is for me one passion and this passion is music. Sometimes, I like deejaying more than making music in the studio but in the end this is only one job.
By the way, what do you think about the English audience? English audience is crazy! I love them! Everytime I come to London that’s crazy because people, it would be men ou women, they are one hundred percent in the music and I really like that. English people know how to make party. Everytime, I was in a party in London, I played in Manschester last time, I played in Brighton and in different places and everywhere, the audience was very reactive. It is especially because they have this english music culture. For example, if you play like classical house track from the nineties, they will know this track. That’s why playing in the UK for a DJ like me it is like a very cool gift.
I have a last question: what did you if you could fill a swimming-pool with anything? Yeah yeah sushis! A big swimming pool with a lot of sushis inside it. Sushis and makis, teka makis with wasabi and ginger!